What might happen in Egypt when 12,000 closed factories start working again? Imagine the amount of production that these factories could add to our country’s economy!.. Why do we import so many things even though we have factories that used to make the same products? Is it really possible to find new job opportunities for all young people looking for an opportunity? In this video, we will talk about one of the biggest plans that the state is working on to save the national industry and achieve a major boom in production and employment. The plan to revive 12,000 closed factories.
The government recently announced a solid plan to restart 12,000 factories that had completely stopped working. These factories were once a source of huge production in many fields such as food industries, textiles, plastics, and even heavy equipment. But over time, for many reasons such as… Lack of funding or market challenges. These factories closed, and this greatly affected the movement of industry in the country
Why is restarting these factories important?
Firstly, increasing local production.. This means that instead of importing everything from abroad, such as clothes or plastic products, we can manufacture it here with good quality and at a cheaper price. This will not only reduce dependence on imports, but it will also reduce the pressure on the hard currency.
Secondly, employing workers.. Restarting these factories means new job opportunities for thousands of young people.. Every factory needs engineers, workers, administrators, and those responsible for marketing, which means real opportunities for all groups.. Imagine with me when there is a young man or woman who was looking for work for their grocery store. For months or even years, they found their opportunity in a factory near their home. This is not just a job, this is a new hope and a better future.
What support does the state provide to restart the 12,000 factories?
The state will not restart these factories like this, and that’s it. This is an integrated plan that includes providing financing with low interest rates. If a factory needs maintenance or upgrading of equipment, the state helps with sums of money at competitive interest rates… and the state was solving the problems of land and facilities, even in factories that were closed due to electrical or electrical problems. Water or licenses for a state that intervenes to solve these needs.. The state also encourages innovation and competitive production by supporting factories that can manufacture products with international quality, so that we can export them as well, not only to cover our local needs.
What is the impact of the plan to revive the 12,000 factories on the economy?
The return of 12,000 factories to the market will create a huge economic movement and there will be an increase in exports. Since the factories produce large quantities and of high quality, we will be able to export them to many countries around us, and this means additional income for the country.. Also revitalizing the local market.. The Egyptian consumer will find the products he was importing available locally. At a lower price and with the same quality.. and also achieving self-sufficiency in certain goods, and in times of global crises, the presence of strong local factories protects us from the shortage of goods.
In conclusion: This plan is not just an economic project, it is a step towards restoring Egypt’s industrial leadership. When these factories return to work, we will find more production, more job opportunities, and less dependence on imports. This, in the end, will have a positive impact on the lives of each one of us.