Power was cut off for 9 hours in 5 villages in Assiut today

Saturday 23/November/2024 – 05:03 AM

The presidency of the center and city of Dayrut was announced in the governorate AssiutToday, Saturday, there was a 9-hour power outage in 5 villages in the Dayrout center.

Power cut for 9 hours in 5 villages in Assiut

The Presidency of the Center and City of Dayrout in Assiut Governorate notified citizens, via its official page on the social networking site Facebook, that based on the signal received from Dayrout Electrical Engineering, the electrical current will be disconnected from the Abu Al-Oyoun feeder and the Dashlout transformer station will be out of service due to the need for emergency maintenance work. Today is Saturday.

She explained that the areas affected by the power outage include the village of Saw, Nazlet Saw, Dashlout, Zarabi Ayyad, Ezbet Muhammad Hassanein, and Ashaish Al-Arab, starting from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m., stressing that electricity will be restored to the areas affected by the outage as soon as the repair work is completed. And maintenance.

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