“Local Representatives” discusses the law on rules and procedures for disposing of private state property

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The Local Administration Committee began discussing the law on some rules and procedures for disposing of private state property.

The committee discusses the philosophy of the draft law, which states: “Given the end of the period for submitting requests to legalize seizure specified in Law No. 144 of 2017 regarding some rules and procedures for disposing of private state property more than five years ago, and the apparent difficulty or impossibility of implementing removal decisions in some cases.” In these cases, the government decided to issue a law regulating the rules and procedures for disposing of the state’s private property, with the aim of preserving its public and private property and ensuring the protection of its rights from infringements and illegal actions, and working to Stabilizing cases of seizure of private state property, and giving squatters the opportunity to legalize their situation if the controls and conditions of legalization are met for them, as well as cases in which it is impossible to legalize seizure and cases in which the encroachment is removed.

Secondly, Article 29 of the Constitution stipulates that agriculture is an essential component of the national economy.

The state is committed to protecting and increasing the agricultural area and criminalizing assault on it. It is also committed to developing the countryside and raising the standard of living of its residents and protecting them from environmental risks. It works to develop agricultural and livestock production and encourage the industries that support them.

The state is committed to providing agricultural and animal production requirements, and purchasing basic agricultural crops at a reasonable price that achieves a profit margin for the farmer, in agreement with unions, unions, and agricultural associations. The state is also committed to allocating a percentage of reclaimed lands to young farmers and young graduates, and protecting the farmer and agricultural worker from exploitation, and all of this is based on As regulated by law.

Article 32 of the Constitution stipulates that the state’s natural resources belong to the people. The state is committed to preserving them, exploiting them well, not depleting them, and respecting the rights of future generations in them.

The state is also committed to working on optimal exploitation of renewable energy sources, stimulating investment in them, and encouraging scientific research related to them. The state works to encourage the manufacturing of raw materials and increase their added value according to economic feasibility.

It is not permissible to dispose of public state property, and granting the right to exploit natural resources or to commit to public facilities shall be by law, and for a period not exceeding thirty years.

Granting the right to exploit quarries, small mines, and salt pans, or granting commitment to public facilities for a period not exceeding fifteen years, shall be based on a law. The law shall determine the provisions for the disposition of private state property, and the rules and procedures regulating that.”

Article 33 of the Constitution stipulates that the state shall protect three types of property: public property, private property, and cooperative property.

Article (44) of the Constitution stipulates that: “The State is committed to protecting the Nile River, preserving Egypt’s historical rights related to it, rationalizing and maximizing its use, and not wasting or polluting its water. The State is also committed to protecting its groundwater, and taking the necessary means to achieve water security and support Scientific research in this field.

The right of every citizen to enjoy the Nile River is guaranteed. Encroachment on its sanctuary or harm to the river environment is prohibited. The state guarantees the removal of any encroachments on it, as regulated by law.

Article (46) of the Constitution stipulates that “Every person has the right to a healthy and sound environment, and protecting it is a national duty. The state is committed to taking the necessary measures to preserve it, not to harm Baha, and to make rational use of natural resources to ensure sustainable development, and to guarantee the rights of future generations therein.”

Article 49 of the Constitution stipulates that the state is obligated to protect and preserve antiquities. Taking care of its areas, maintaining them, restoring them, recovering what was seized from them, and organizing and supervising their excavations.

It is forbidden to gift or exchange any of them, and attacking and trading in them is a crime without a statute of limitations.
State-owned lands are among the most prominent assets that must be preserved and protected from infringements and illegal actions in implementation of the constitutional obligation contained in Article 33, which necessitated the issuance of a law regulating the rules and procedures for the disposal of private state property, which is considered an important development in the legislative framework regulating its private property. Which would reformulate the relationship between the state and the beneficiaries of these properties by establishing modern controls and procedures.
The new draft law works to regulate and legalize the seizure, taking into account achieving harmony between the various administrative authorities responsible for managing these properties, in light of a clear legal framework for dealing with pending or previously rejected applications.
The new draft law also repeals legislation that may conflict with its provisions, which contributes to building a more efficient and organized legal system. This law sets a tight legal framework that regulates the process of legalizing the seizure of land and determines the procedures for that.
The new draft law attaches great importance to oversight and follow-up through the competent authorities to ensure the effective implementation of provisions. This includes imposing responsibility on individuals and legal entities that cause violations of the stipulated provisions, as well as imposing penalties on violations that may occur, to ensure the protection of the rights of the state and citizens and to ensure Justice in the distribution and use of state lands.

Given the expiration of the period for submitting requests to legalize the seizure of property specified in Law No. 144 of 2017 regarding some rules and procedures for the disposition of private state property more than five years ago, and the difficulty or impossibility of implementing removal decisions in some cases, the government decided to issue a law regulating the rules and procedures. Disposing of the state’s private property, with the aim of preserving its public and private property and ensuring the protection of its rights from illegal extensions and actions. And work to stabilize cases of seizure of private state property, and give squatters the opportunity to legalize their situation when the controls and conditions of legalization are met for them, as well as cases in which it is impossible to legalize seizure and cases in which the encroachment is removed.

مصدر الخبر

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