It causes high blood pressure. Doctors advise avoiding decongestants

Thursday 28/November/2024 – 07:05 AM

Doctors with the National Health Service in Britain have warned that decongestants may be dangerous for people with serious medical conditions, as their effect leads to narrowing of blood vessels and high blood pressure, according to what was published by the health and me website.

Doctors advise avoiding decongestants

Health experts advise that people should avoid these medications or consult a doctor before using them, as the following categories of decongestants are prohibited:

– Individuals who suffer from high blood pressure. Their action by narrowing blood vessels will worsen high blood pressure.

– Diabetics: Sometimes decongestants interfere with blood sugar levels, causing health complications.

– Individuals with hyperthyroidism: Some decongestants may affect the thyroid gland due to its hyperactivity.

– It also aggravates urinary retention in men who suffer from enlarged prostate.

– It can lead to an increase in eye pressure and worsen the disease in patients with glaucoma.

– In people who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, and circulatory system, the effect of decongestants on the blood vessels

– Children from 6 to 11 years old. It is acceptable to use it only for no more than five days, and only under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Pregnant women: Decongestants should be used only if expressly advised by a health care provider.

– Breastfeeding mothers: It is not recommended to use ingestible decongestants due to the possibility of them passing into breast milk and causing harm.

Safer alternatives to decongestants.

Doctors advise against taking decongestants, and that there is always another way to overcome the symptoms of nasal congestion, as follows:

1. Nasal sprays: which help moisturize the nasal passages, in addition to reducing swelling without affecting the blood vessels.

2. Steam inhalation: Steam inhalation helps relieve congestion in the nasal passages and the resulting fatigue.

3. Humidifiers: Added moisture to the air prevents nasal dryness and discomfort.

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