Industrial Development calls on landowners to quickly pay the late financial dues to prevent the allocation from being cancelled

The General Authority for Industrial Development issued a statement calling on industrial investors who are allocated lands or industrial units for rent – ownership and who are owed financial arrears (installments – services – maintenance deposit) to quickly pay the arrears of financial dues, or to pay them in installments by paying 25% of the value of the debt owed upon submission. Requesting installments and paying the remaining installments over 6 months bearing interest from the Central Bank, provided that the investor submits bank checks with the installment dates within a period of (15 days) From the date of advertisement.

The authority’s statement also indicated that in the event of non-response, the authority will take measures to cancel the allocation and withdraw the land or unit immediately… to re-offer it to serious investors… with the authority taking all legal measures to collect its financial dues through administrative seizure.

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