Details and locations of installing natural gas for homes in installments and without interest

Sunday 24/November/2024 – 12:33 AM

The Ministry of Petroleum returned And wealth Mineral is a system for installing the cost of installing natural gas for homes, in order to expand the subscriber base, reduce the financial burden on new subscribers, and encourage them to take the step of using gas. Under the new system, the cost of installing gas will be paid in installments for a full 7 years, at a value of 62 pounds per month.

Gas installation areas

The Ministry indicated that the installment service for the costs of delivering natural gas to homes will not apply to areas that have been supplied by gas and where some have failed to subscribe to gas for various reasons, stressing that the installment system will apply to new areas to which natural gas is being delivered for the first time, and in which the system is being operated. Projects, not modules separately.

She explained that the costs of the contract to deliver natural gas are being paid in installments for a period of 7 years, without down payment and without interest, for new areas that natural gas enters for the first time, and which operate under a complete project system.

Installing natural gas in homes

She confirmed that there are units to which the installment system does not apply, as it applies to the project system. As for the areas to which natural gas entered earlier, but there are some customers who did not provide natural gas delivery to their units at that time, the decision does not apply to them, as it is It applies to areas where gas enters for the first time in its entirety and not a single residential unit, in an area to which gas has been previously supplied, which is called customer service.

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