A blind person named Ibrahim Saeed, residing in the village of Al-Akhmas, affiliated to the Sadat Center in the Governorate, called for help MenoufiaThis happened after a thief broke into his house in order to steal it. He assaulted him and his wife, causing them to suffer various injuries throughout their bodies.
A thief breaks into a blind person’s house in Menoufia
Ibrahim Saeed said that the details of the incident go back to when he was sleeping in his home at around four in the morning, and his wife woke up at this time and noticed that the electricity had been disconnected from the house.
He added: My wife was worried about sleeping. She found that the electricity was off at home, even though the houses around us were illuminated and we were listening to the Fajr Quran from the mosque. So I thought there was something wrong. I switched off and went out to look at the meter outside the apartment. Suddenly I heard a voice next to me. I stretched out my hand and found someone. He hit me.
Ibrahim Saeed explained that the thief assaulted him by hitting him on the head with an iron piece, saying: The thief hit me on the head with the iron about 5 times.. I kept shouting and saying, “thief,” and my wife raised my voice and tried to pull the iron from him. He started hitting her, too, on her private parts.
He also explained that he tried as much as possible to catch the thief, but he ran away and jumped from the roof of the house, concluding: I got 50 stitches in my head, and my wife got 5 stitches in her face, and she has wounds on her face… and I don’t want anything other than my right, because the thief violated the sanctity of my house and beat me and my wife, and he would have killed us.