Sunday 24/November/2024 – 03:06 AM
Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms of respiratory problems Lungincluding cancer, which causes difficulty breathing or a feeling of tightness in the chest, and shortness of breath can occur with physical activity or even during rest, according to what was published by the health and me website.
Lung cancer cases have increased all over the world, as health experts suggest doing some breathing exercises to prevent lung cancer in the long term, which represents one of the fastest growing types of cancer, and therefore deep breathing exercises help maintain the health of the lungs, in addition to mental health.
Benefits of lung exercises
Practicing lung exercises helps maintain the health of the respiratory system and supplies it with energy. The benefits of these exercises are as follows:
Improve lung function
Significant improvement in lung function can be achieved through deep breathing, which promotes better lung expansion and is therefore particularly beneficial for people with obesity or anyone who has suffered from lung conditions before.
Dr. Kinder Mori from India said: Deep breathing exercise improves lung capacity and helps in treating bronchitis or any other lung disease.
Reducing stress
Stress can be detrimental to overall health, so deep breathing, which is directly linked to a reduced risk of cancer, can help keep the airway open and stronger, thus minimizing any further risks. Dr. Kinder added that in reality, the development of cancer is very complex. It is multifactorial in nature, in fact.
Detox and deep breathing
Dr. Kinder said that deep breathing helps increase the flow of oxygen and helps the body get rid of carbon dioxide. Deep breathing does not remove toxins from the lungs in the scientific sense of the word, but it increases oxygen, which contributes to overall health.
Types of deep breathing exercises
Breathing from the abdomen. This exercise can be done through the following steps:
Place the hands on the stomach while sitting, standing or lying down.
Breathe through the nose, and focus on letting the abdomen expand.
Breathe with closed lips
- You can do these breathing exercises while sitting or standing upright.
- Just by inhaling through the nose.
- Exhale slowly through closed lips as if you were whistling. You can also try to exhale for at least twice the specified time.